The older woman makes a soft shuffling sound with her feet as she makes her way back to her room and the safety of her chair. Pain throughout her body makes each step difficult, but she is determined to overcome it. This is her time to meet with God in prayer, and she can’t delay.
“Oh, Jesus.” She speaks quietly. “Only you can help me.”
Jesus steps beside her, taking her arm, steadying her for the last few steps, and setting her gently into her chair.
“I’m here, Child.” He bends and whispers in response, but only she can hear.
“Oh, thank you, thank you, Jesus!” She declares. “How I need You.”
Jesus stands beside her silently, His hand laying gently on her shoulder. She begins to pray, her heart of adoration and praise for her Savior touching His heart.
Tears slide down her wrinkled cheeks as she feels His touch, her prayers intensifying as she brings her many requests to the only One who can answer the many needs she intercedes for.
Her prayers soon changed to praise as she sang the old hymn, ‘The Old Rugged Cross;’ the melody filled her small room. “I will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown.” She sings the familiar words in gratefulness for her salvation.
Jesus, still beside her, waits for her to finish her song, not wanting to disturb this moment for her.
He kneels before her chair, taking her aged hands in His.
“Oh, Child,” He begins quietly. “How can I thank you? How do I tell you how pleased I am because of your faithfulness to Me? How do I show you the many answers to all your prayers? I see how tired you are from the path of life; the journey is sometimes arduous. But you served me from a heart you chose to give completely over to me and never lost your faith or love for Me; you always brought the most difficult times to Me. What joy awaits you, Child. For soon you will enter into My presence, and I will declare before My Father, well done, good and faithful servant of God.”
“Thank you, Jesus!” the woman declares, His praise of her bringing joy for her day ahead.
“You’re so welcome, Daughter.” Jesus acknowledges her praise as He stands up, still holding one of her hands.
“We’ll see you soon, My Friend.” He speaks and gives her hand a final squeeze.
“You mean you’re coming back here tomorrow, Jesus.” She asks eagerly.
Jesus turns, His smile indicating His pleasure of her.
“Not quite yet, Child.” He says gently. But until then, I will leave My angels to watch over you, and when I return, it will be time to lead you home to The Father.”
The older woman nods her understanding, an eagerness building within her to see Him again.
“See you soon, Jesus!” The woman calls after Him.
“Yes, you will, Daughter, and I can hardly wait!”