Mary, Did you KNow?

Luke 1:26-33

The young mother rocks her baby, singing him softly asleep with a lullaby. The baby’s lashes close and lie softly on His cheeks; His breathing becomes even as he falls deeper into his sleep.  

The mother continues to hold Him, not wishing to move for fear of waking the sleeping child. Kissing His forehead, she pondered how she had been so blessed to have been chosen to be this baby’s mother. 

She picked up his tiny hand, brushing it with her thumb. His fingers automatically wrapped around hers. 

“Would He follow in His father’s footsteps as a carpenter?” she wonders. She smiles, thinking how a hammer would be such a significant tool to hold for such tiny hands. Maybe someday, she concludes.

She continued rocking; the memories of learning she was to have a child just months before began to flood her mind and soul. 

“Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” The angel had told her, appearing out of nowhere. 

“What an unusual thing,” she remembers thinking. She hadn’t been sure how to handle the angel, but he told her not to be afraid but to know she had found favor with God.

“And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son.”  The angel told her and she would name Him Jesus, that He would be a great king and called the Son of the Most High God.  

“Me, a virgin?” She thought, still a bit mystified. “Have a child without being married? How can I trust this?” She remembers asking the angel.

She continues watching her sleeping child. “This innocent child be a king someday? How can this be?”  The baby stirs slightly and stretches out of sleep. 

“Emmanuel,” Mary whispers as Jesus, the baby, turns to His mother’s voice. “You are God with us.” She strokes His cheek in deep love.

Mary rocks again slowly, pulling the baby close. He whimpers softly, indicating she would need to feed Him soon.  

“Sweet Baby Jesus,” She smiles at Him. “Have I told you about the many angels who announced your birth to the shepherds the day you were born? Oh, what a song they sang, I’m told.  

“‘ Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased!'” (Luke 2:14). Mary softly begins to sing a melody of the angels’ song.

“And you won’t believe this, my child. The angels told the shepherds not to fear because this was such good news of great joy! They told the shepherds they would find you wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger. They left their flocks to find you. And they found you exactly where the angels told them you would be.”

Tears trail down Mary’s cheeks as she speaks softly to her child.

“I was chosen to hold you, the Son of God, in my arms and to hear the shepherds’ story of how the angels appeared to them. This is a priceless treasure of the highest value, and nothing can be of greater worth.”

The baby begins to cry, and she prepares to feed Him, placing Him on her breast. 

She watches Him as He nurses and hums a Hebrew song she remembers from childhood. He finishes, and she gently lifts Him to her shoulder and pats His back.  She kisses His forehead lovingly. 

“Is this what it would be like to kiss the forehead of God?” She wonders in adoration. “How can it be?” 

Mary lays Jesus in her lap so she could look into her baby’s eyes.  

“Mary, do you know?” She hears a voice and recognizes the One who is speaking. “Do you know Who the child is you hold so closely?”

“Yes, Father God, I do know,” She answers. “I know He is Your Son, and His mercy will be for those who fear Him. He will show strength with His arm, and there will be healing in His hands.” She touches His small hands again.  

Mary stands to place her now-sleeping baby boy in a cradle, knowing He needs His rest to grow strong into all He was to become. 

“Who knows, Jesus,” she touches His head softly, smiling at Him as he sleeps. “You may just walk on water!

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