I take in the scenery as Jesus and I walk the path He has chosen for me. I stop suddenly, the path narrowing with cliffs dropping downward on both sides into what seems to be a bottomless vastness. My fear of heights freeze me into place.
“Why did you stop?” Jesus asks me from where He stands on my right side.
“Don’t you see the cliffs?” I questioned back, wondering why He would ask such a question when the answer was obvious.
“I see the cliffs.” He answers with quiet patience as He looks down over the cliff-side.
“ I don’t do heights well at all!” My fear caused the sound of my voice to go up an octave or two. “I will never make it across this part of my path. “What if I fall?”
“I’ll catch you, Child.”
“What if You fail to catch me?” I fire back, still speaking in a higher octave tone.
“I never fail,” Jesus responds firmly but gently.
My heart races as I stand frozen, scanning the area for somewhere I can reach for safety. There’s nothing. I reach out and grip the hand of Jesus.
“Child,” Jesus’ voice speaks softly in compassion. “You have been at this point in your path many times, and each time, fear and doubt have caused you to turn around on your path, going back the way you came instead of trusting me to meet the challenge of crossing, and each time I’ve always stayed with you, never leaving your side.
“I understood your fear, my friend, and allowing you to choose to turn back because it was difficult for me, but I would not force you to move forward on the path. I needed you to decide to trust Me with your fear.
“Child,” He speaks again. “Look down over the sides of the path and tell me what you see.”
I comply, taking a half step forward, keeping my back foot locked in place while tightly gripping Jesus’ hand. I look down over the path’s sides. Before responding, I stepped back to where I felt safe from the cliff edge.
“I see no bottom but only space; nothing indicates how high I am.”
Jesus waits to respond as we continue to stand together.
“Child, do you trust me?” He asks.
I turn to look at Him, but He keeps His eyes focused on the path ahead.
“Yes, I trust you,” I answer weakly. “But I’m still so afraid.”
“I know your fear, Child, but I can also see your desire to trust me. I know you fear not being enough for where I am leading you. I know you fear not being equipped for the journey, but Child, it’s time to move forward.”
Jesus meets my gaze with a determined look in His eyes.
“I’m going to ask something of you that will take great effort on your part.”
My hand tightens around His hand, trying to ready myself for whatever His request will be.
“Let go of My hand, Child.” He states quietly.
“What?” I asked, stunned, thinking I had heard him incorrectly.
Jesus smiles knowingly; His love and grace fill His eyes, slowing the rapid beat of my heart slightly.
“There are moments as you walk the path I’ve chosen for you when there will be places where it narrows or curves, and you’re unable to see where the path leads. At these moments, Child, I must go ahead of you. At these moments, I ask you to focus on Me leading you, not looking to the right or the left or attempting to see how high up you may be, but on Me. Allowing Me to lead calls for trusting Me to know where I’m leading, and, at times, your line of sight will be only what lies directly in front of you.
“Letting go takes as much faith and trust as hanging onto me, but be assured of this, Child, when you have taken the last step of this journey of your path, you will not only know Me as the God who personally goes before you, but you will also know Me as the God who places My presence behind you. You are constantly protected.”
Without speaking, I let go of His hand; my trust in Him reflected in my eyes.
He winks and smiles at me assuredly and moves a few steps away on the path, the sheer cliffs dropping off on both sides. He pauses waiting patiently for me to step before He moves forward again.
An eagerness to follow Him fills my mind and heart; my fear ebbs, and I am anxious to keep up with Him as He continues moving forward.
“I’m coming!” I state to Him. “Let’s do this!”
And I step.