”I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.“
John 17:4 ESV
The elderly woman opens her eyes, waking from a deep sleep, sensing someone is standing beside her bed.
An angel gently touches her hand, waiting with a smile while she orients and pulls herself into a sitting position.
“It’s time, Child.” The angel speaks in a soft tone. She returned the angel’s smile, noticing other angels surrounding her bed.
“Where are we going, Sir?” She asks, slightly confused. “Where’s Jesus? I thought He would come for me when it was my time to join Him for eternity.”
“He will be here very soon, Daughter,” the angel says with anticipation and excitement while pulling the woman to her feet. “We have been sent before Him to prepare you for His coming.”
The angel turns, picking up a long white garment lying on the end of her bed.
“Woman of God,” the angel speaks as he steps to the woman with the garment, its beauty resembling a wedding gown of the purest white.
“This is your bridal garment Jesus has prepared for this very moment when you will be presented to Him pure, bought, and paid for by the Son’s shed blood, a garment without spot or wrinkle.”
The angel places the garment over the woman’s head, the delicate softness of the fabric soothing her aged body. It cascades to the floor, gently swaying about her feet. She feels an instant healing and an understanding of being dressed in the garment of her salvation she was promised long ago when she first gave her heart to her Master and Savior.
She looks up into the eyes of the angel, her true beauty that only this bridal garment could bring reflected in his eyes. She felt strong again, standing straight after her many years of walking bent and in constant pain. She laughs in sheer joy at the thought of being fully released, no longer trapped in the body that held her back for so long. The angels start to sing, their words expressing the pleasure of the Father now made perfect in her.
“Come now, Lamb of God, your Bride is ready !” He declares as he lifts his arms towards heaven.
The angels who had been surrounding her bed now bow as Jesus approaches.
“You look beautiful!” Jesus speaks to her as He takes both her hands in His. “You have been dressed and made ready to be escorted to meet The Father. Shall we go?”
The woman can only nod yes to Jesus, her awe and wonder at this moment beyond words.
“Before we go, Child, there is one more thing I need to give you.”
“What more could you give me, Jesus?” The woman asked humbly, wondering what more He could have for her.
Jesus stands before her, a crown of gold with many jewels of varying colors and sizes, its beauty beyond any expression of words she could use to describe it.
“Is this mine?” She asks with a breathy awe in her voice as she reaches out and touches the jewels in admiration.
“Yes, this belongs to you,” Jesus smiles as He places it on her head. “You wear it so well, Child, and such a perfect fit.”
Jesus gazes into the eyes of the woman, His bride, and offers her His hand.
“This is truly a great day! Your beauty is exquisite and lovely, Daughter; I’ve been waiting to escort you to My marriage supper of the Lamb. This is truly a great day!”
The woman returns the smile of her Savior, slipping her hand into His, and they enter eternity.